Welcome to our new members!

Welcome to our new members! It was fantastic to see so many of you at the Freshers’ Fair yesterday and we can’t wait to get stuck into training next week.

Our Committee has had an incredibly busy Freshers’ Week. We spent Monday and Tuesday promoting the Rifle Club on Campus, handing out flyers and talking to new and returning students about what we do. Wednesday and Thursday were dedicated to our Taster Sessions and barbecue – over 150 students came and had a shoot over the two day period! Thursday evening saw the first social of the year, with a ‘Meet and Greet’ evening at The Monkey Suit. The culmination of the week was Saturday’s Freshers’ Fair, where we took over 100 sign-ups for memberships. We are delighted with how the week has panned out, and are very excited to welcome our new members into the club.

For those new members who are yet to connect with us on our social media channels, we’d like to invite you to ‘like’ our Facebook page and join the ‘EURC Socials’ group so that everyone knows what’s going on and when! We’d also encourage everyone to follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@UoERifleClub) – who knows, you might be featured in one of our posts!

If you didn’t make it to the Freshers’ Fair and want to join EURC, come along to training next week to sign up. As usual, we will be training on Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 6pm and 9pm.

Welcome again to our new and returning members; we wish you the best of luck with the start of term!

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